Sunday 8 December 2019 - 15:56

Cinema Verite's Sun Sets in the East

"The Sun Sets in the East" directed by Alexander Belinski & Agne Dovydaityte will be screened at "Retrospetive on Balkan and Baltic Countries" section
Cinema Verite
About the film:
The Sun Sets in the East is a poetic documentary about the daily life of a Soviet peasant. His devotion to God and family trouble are recorded in his diary from 1984/85, passages of which are read by his granddaughter. The diary contrasts with the static shots of decaying present-day rural Lithuania shown in the film. It is a documentary not just about the period before the fall of the Soviet Union, but also about the struggle of a man of faith to keep his life as stable as possible at a time of rapid political, ideological, and societal changes, just like in today’s world.
Story Code: 7027
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